domenica 22 aprile 2012

Demo - Using an HC-SR04 with PIC24FJ64GB002

New demo uploaded. Demo shows how to read an ultrasonic distance sensor HC-SR04 (aka as "P!ng"). Distance is expressed in centimeters and is shown on a Nokia3310 LCD. Distance is measured using the Timer1 with a prescaler of 1:64.

Please note that HC-SR04 is a 5V sensor, so the output (echo) must to be adapted to 3.3V or to be connected to a 5V-tolerant pin. In this demo RB9 is used for the connection to echo. RB9 is a 5V-tolerant input. Trigger is connected to RB8. For further informations on connections please refer to file "connections.txt" attached in the zip file.

Informations about HC-SR04 working mode are reported here:

Demo is available to ORbit16 users at examples page:

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